Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Windows 10

Assalamualaikum and a big hi to all my lovely readers,

Today, I'm gonna write about windows 10. I just updated my laptop from windows 7 to windows 10. They have so much different. Windows 10 looks more modern style. Also, It have a better sound, If you using windows 7, if your personal computer is giving you a notification, the sound is like so scary you know. If  you using windows 10, the sounds are pretty much better.. They are more soft and calming. Okay, here is the look of windows 10.

Its looks cool ah?

I can say, windows 10 has a modern technology touch. It is look amazing then windows 7. Okay, Lets start with when my laptop open.

From Google Images
This is what it looks like when you starting your laptop. By the way, this is not my picture. I take it from Google Images because my shot was failed XD. If you have a password for your computer, the password type site will be like this,

After press any button, you will be here,

Just type your password, press enter and your computer is ready. For me, this is cooler then windows 7.

okay, Next benefit is, windows 10 is easy to use. If you compare with windows 8, windows 10 is a lot easier then it. Look at windows 8 first.

From Google Images
YOU SEE, just look at its menu, can make you headache LOL. When I was try windows 8 using my friend's laptop, I was like numb. Plus, the menu is using a whole screen. What the heck. see how windows 10's menu.

It is a lot easier and simple you know. Not little, but SO MUCH. When I use windows 10 for first time using my brother's computer, I was like I know what to do.  As you can see, the menu is not using a whole screen. It is easier when you wanna press the start button. You will not be like 'OMG, WHAT HAPPENED?' when you pressed it. In addition, this design, it looks so calming then windows 8 for me. Are you agree with me?

Next, you can see one different between windows 10 and the older version. The Google's window. The minimize, smaller and close icons, they look different. I don't know if other internet service will be like this.

As you see at the picture, the wifi icon is also has a new look.

If you a rusher person, windows 10 is suitable for you. The loading of opening computer and shut down computer is super duper fast. I never get the fast loading with the older version. I was SO SO impress with that.

For the last section, the shut down screen. It so simple. trust me. But I don't have any picture for it. Sorry readers :(    .I really recommend windows 10 for you all, especially, windows 8 user.

That all for now.  Follow me if you want to read more stories about me.

See ya :D

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